God Save the Queen

591 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: God Save the Queen - we battle on

I am a Republican but was an admirer of the late Queen. I reflect a bit on her death and on mawkish sentimentality and appropriated grief. I can’t think she would have approved of either. ShareStock tomorrow will go ahead as planned. With folks having flown in from many places to attend it is too late to cancel even if I thought it appropriate which I do not. I then talk about Sosandar (SOS) asking when its profits warning will be? Then about Manolete (MANO ) and Gear4Music (G4M).


2764 days ago

Student Lefty wants to ban God Save the Queen to combat right wing extremism - I give up

Mahamed Abdullahi, the vice president for welfare and community at King’s College London, has called for his university not to play God Save the Queen at graduation ceremonies. In a rant on facebook this elected official stated: "Hey guys, I want to get rid of the national anthem at graduation because it’s outdated and not reflective of the ‘global’ values that the college espouses. In the context of increasing far Right nationalism across Europe and the legacy of the British empire, it’s just a bit s--- and it doesn’t even bang. Basically, f--- the nation state.”


3154 days ago

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn perfectly right NOT to sing the (lamentable) National Anthem

I am sure that this podcast will not make me more popular but like Comrade Corbyn I stick to principle rather than craving cheap adoration. God Save the Queen is a lamentably poor national anthem and I compare it to those of other countries, notably Ireland. It celebrates servitude not freedom. Surely that is not what it means to be English or British? Corbyn showed no disrespect in not singing this song at the Battle of Britain memorial service and the attacks on him are cheap and unpleasant. I now put on my tin hat and wait for the abuse.
